Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fascinated by Fascinators

Since the marriage of Will and Kate, fascinators have become the newest "fashion must" and god knows, I love a good hat. When I cracked my head open last year and got 40 some odd stitches in my forehead (yep, I've crossed ambulance ride and hearing the echo of your exposed skull off the bucket list), I started a collection of newsboys and fedoras since *something* needed to cover-up the bandages.

Sidebar: At that time, I was informed that men don't like hats. WTF men. Hats are hot.

Unfortunately, in Seattle, we are not known for our fashion forwardness. Well, unless you count the grunge movement and who can really count flannels from Value Village as haute couture? Since we are a little behind the times out here, I had to pick a day of costumes to debut my fascinator creation. Let's just say it was Mrs. Peacock in her fascinator in the Lounge with the revolver.

 A good fascinator is made of silk, beads, feathers and a little sparkle. I picked a mixture of peacock, black coque and aqua ostrich feathers. For a extra bit of elegance, I added a black veil and finished the piece off with a vintage rhinestone button. I secured the piece with a few bobby pins, but it could have easily been attached to a comb or small headband.

The hat was a hit. I was invited to make a 2 ladies wedding veils. Of course, theses gals had drunk a margarita or four. My second career as a haberdasher may not take off quite so soon.


  1. Real men love hats!!!!!! We love wearing them as well as seeing women wear them.
